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Ambient temperature in the Philippines ranges from 30 to 40 degrees Celsius all year round.

1 answer

Ambient refers to the temperature of the surrounding air, i.e not at parking lot level etc. Ambient means the temperature not being effected by mechanical means, like AC or any heat source. example, if you serve a wine at ambient temperature, it is not a specific number it is what ever the room is at the time.

8 answers

What is the ambient temperature of the water?

1 answer

A substance will exist as a gas at ambient temperature and pressure if its boiling point is below the ambient temperature and its vapor pressure exceeds the atmospheric pressure at that temperature.

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ambient air temperature is the temperature of your surrounding air. if you stand outside with a thermometer, and it reads 64 degrees, that is ambient temperature.

1 answer

Ambient temperature in electrical installation refers to the temperature of the surrounding environment where the electrical components are being installed or operated. It is important to consider ambient temperature as it can affect the performance and lifespan of electrical equipment. Installations must be designed to account for the ambient temperature to ensure safety and efficiency.

1 answer

These salts have the ambient temperature.

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Simply put, ambient temperature is the temperature that surrounds a point of interest. It is the average temperature in the area of focus. For instance, if we were inside an industrial complex and we were examining the ambient temperature of a large room we would have to consider what is contributing to that temperature. Is the large room empty or is there machinery or people that are generating heat in that area? All the sources of heat and cool would average out in that area and that temperature would be the ambient temperature.

Room temperature is comfortable to live in and is generally determined to be around 20 to 25 degrees Celsius (68 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit).

The ambient temperature of a house (inside) that is at room temperature would be the same (20 degrees Celsius), but the ambient temperature outside on a winters day would be much cooler than room temperature, maybe even freezing.

The temperature given on the news or at a location is the ambient temperature for that area.

1 answer

This ambient temperature is comfortable for me.

"ABM" is the abbreviation for ambient when used on blueprints.

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ambient temp is the outside air temp

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The ambient temperature in this case refers to the temperature outside the engine. This is relevant for calculations related to heat engine. The ambient temperature will of course vary, but it is usually somewhere around 300 K.

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You measure the ambient temperature before the experiment in case the experiment is sensitive to ambient temperature. You want to record all of the environmental factors that might affect the experiment before starting it. You measure the ambient temperature after the experiment for the same reason, and also in case the experiment affected the ambient temperature. Depending on the experiment, environmental factors may need to be considered when analyzing the results.

1 answer

One can accurately measure ambient temperature using a thermometer, which is a device that detects and displays the temperature of the surrounding air.

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To measure ambient temperature, you can use a thermometer or a temperature sensor placed in the area you want to monitor. It's important to place the sensor away from direct sunlight or sources of heat to get an accurate reading. Ambient temperature is the surrounding temperature of a specific environment.

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Ambient temperature affects transformer efficiency by influencing the cooling of the transformer. Higher ambient temperatures can reduce the transformer's ability to dissipate heat, leading to decreased efficiency. It is important to consider ambient temperature when designing and operating transformers to ensure optimal performance.

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were is the location of the ambient air temperature sensor for a 2001 bmw 330 i

1 answer

You measure the ambient temperature before the experiment in case the experiment is sensitive to ambient temperature. You want to record all of the environmental factors that might affect the experiment before starting it. You measure the ambient temperature after the experiment for the same reason, and also in case the experiment affected the ambient temperature. Depending on the experiment, environmental factors may need to be considered when analyzing the results.

2 answers

"Ambient" means "evoking or creating an atmosphere", "all-surrounding", or "suitable for storage at room temperature".

1 answer

Copper Loss at 75 C = Copper Loss at Ambient Temperature C * (310/(235+Ambient Temperature C))

1 answer

Same as for everything else - called the ambient temperature.

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Tamb (K): sensor (ambient) temperature (Kelvin)

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The airflow ambient temperature sensor is located on the air intake housing. The sensor should be labeled as the airflow ambient temperature sensor.

1 answer

I posted pictures on the location and replacement of an ambient temp. sensor for a 2001 S40. Google "ambient temperature sensor location/replacement" or go to Matthew's Volvo site and search there.

1 answer

Ambient food is food which is kept and served at the same temperature as room temperature. I.e it is food which does not require refrigeration or heating before eating.

2 answers

Not as body temperature, but as ambient temperature is may not be comfortable but it is OK.

1 answer

The ambient air temperature sensor, on your Nissan automobile, is located in the drivers side mirror. The sensor is on the bottom of the mirror.

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(98.4 - measured rectal temperature) / 1.5

Formula: Temperature of body when found = (Initial Difference between body and ambient temp)(e)^(-k x t) + ambient temperature

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Ambient temperature might affect the readings of the resistance value you would measure because the resistance of some materials changes with the temperature.

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Measuring temperature. Could be ambient air temperature, could be the temperature inside of something, etc.

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Depends of the ambient temperature of the room.

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When they reach ambient temperature.

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Around 13 at ambient temperature.

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Around 13 at ambient temperature.

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Depends on the ambient temperature,

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Dpends on ambient temperature, but low will be 20-40 high 200-300

Dpends on ambient temperature, but low will be 20-40 high 200-300

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100.5 degrees is optimal ambient temperature with a humidity if 60%

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it turns off the device when temperature rises beyond the ambient temperature

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On the 2000 town car, the ambient temperature sensor is under the hood. More precisely, behind the grill mounted to the upper radiator support.

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the net stack temperature is determined by substructing the ambient temperature ( around the furnace) from the stacke temperature (vent temperature)

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No; they have no mechanism by which they regulate or maintain a specific temperature. They tend toward the ambient temperature of their surroundings.

1 answer

Ambient air temperature refers to the temperature of the air in a given environment, typically outdoors and away from any specific heat sources or cooling mechanisms. It represents the general temperature of the surrounding air in a particular location at a specific time.

2 answers